Alternative ways to cure in absence of Doctor


Friday 10 March 2017

Piles Curing alternative to Doctor

Curing Piles by Yoga

Yoga Ashwini is the old physical medicine for Piles that cures permanently by improving blood circulation and tensile strength of anal pads. Experience the Magic of Ashwini Mudra, a very simple yet most effective Piles Treatment that is little known even in India. Victims have healed quickly and permanently with Yoga.

Method: Simply put. Ashwini Mudra is to contract the anus. Squeeze it for 5-10 seconds and Then to let go and relax. Repeat this 10 times and do it for atleast 1 minute. It takes just a minute. Do it as often as you can. At least 6-10 times a day. While you sit in office, in a bus, watch TV, cook or walk on the road. No one will know. Repeating it often is key to quick remedy. Do it for 21 days.
Ashwini Mudra also helps cure sexual problems and stamina in Men and Women.      It is the root behind "Kegel Exercises" recommended in modern medical protocol.
It's good to consult a Doctor to diagnose whether you have Piles, Fissure or Fistula. Natural lubricating cream, Pain Killers and antibiotics are useful in case of infection. But please understand any external medicine and even surgery DOES NOT CURE PILES. These only help to reduce pain, they don't cure.If you are in acute pain click on the graphic beside to learn how to reduce pain with effective natural therapies like Hip bath, Hot and Cold compression and Tap Massage that helps to overcome pain better than any chemical medicine.  Consult us for a seperate routine if you have fissure or fistula.
After the pain reduces begin the Yoga exercises as natural physical medicine and tap massage the anal sphincter with Ayurvedic cream. This helps to heal quickly when repeated very often. Yoga exercises strengthens the tensile strength anal muscles and tissues around the anal pads that have slipped from their position.  It cures with profuse blood circulation, repairs varicose veins, nourishes muscles and tissues with oxygenated blood. 
Mostly there will be no need for surgery. You will be able to overcome relapse which is so common despite medical operation.